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GPS Employee Tracking System - Manage Your Sales Team Using Android App
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Software Specification Employee Tracking System By

No. Title
1 Introduction
2 Purpose
3 Employee Tracking System Details
4 Login panel
5 Dashboard
6 Overview
7 Manage Employee
8 Manage Task
9 Feedback
10 Settings
11 View on Map
12 Reports


Employee Tracking System has the capacity to Monitoring Employee Activity. In which organisation engage in employee monitor to track performance, avoid legal liability and address other security concerns.


Overview to system :

To keep weekly records of Employees Helps in tracking Employees location through Map. Assigned Work to Employee. With Android application.

Employee Tracking System Details:-

  • Login panel
  • Dashboard
  • Overview
  • Manage Employee
  • Manage Task
  • Feedback
  • Settings
  • View on Map
  • Reports

Login panel:�

With use of username and Password Admin can login in Admin panel. For Manager login click on Admin login to change the panel.


Gives number of data present Employee Tracking System like number of Employees, Assigned Task, Unassigned Task, Completed Task, view on Map for tracing location of Employee.
It gives abstract of task in progress in real time.
Displays abstract of feedback report sent by employee regarding task assigned.
Notification panel in which employee latest status is display.


It Display overview panel, Assigned Task Summary panel, Assigned Task Status Summary panel in it.
The overview panel display task description with employee name and task status with some other features.
Assigned Task panel display no of unassigned assigned, completed today, all completed and link to it.
Assigned Task Status Summary panel display status as number of pending, open, ongoing, on-hold task and link to it.

Manage Employee:-

It Provide list of Employee work in organisation with their personal bio data.
It Provide feature of editing, delete, view of all task assigned to a particular employee.
Insertion of new employee data can also done in Manage Employee.

Manage Task:-

Manage Task Menu:-

1. Add Tasks
2. Add Task From Map
3. Unassigned Tasks
4. Assigned Task
5. All Task
6. Completed Task
7. Task Schedule
8. Ongoing Task History

1.Add Tasks:-

In this Admin/Manager Assigned and create task to a particular employee with following details like category, priority, estimated duration contact person etc.

2.Add Task Form Map:-

It is unique in employee tacking software in which Admin/manager Assigned task to his employee through its location in map.

3.Unassigned Tasks:-

It gives the details of unassigned task which is crate by admin/employee, but assigned to any employee.

4.Assigned Tasks:-

In this list of all Assigned Task is Display with their status in it.
In this a unique feature add in which swapping of task is done by assign same task to other employee.
It provide feature of changing Assigned task to unassigned task or vice � versa.

5.All Tasks:-

It Display All Task with Description and editing data features in it .
It allows admin/manager to change status and action of particular task.
It provide a feature of saving data in different format like (Pdf, Clv, Excel, Copy, Save).

6.All Completed Tasks:-

In this All Completed task is listed by Employee with Employee name.

7.Task Schedule Details:-

Task schedule Details provide data in real time like (Expired task details, Today�s task details, upcoming Task Details.

8.Ongoing Task History:-

In this Admin/manager can see Task assigned/unassigned history and task history as per task name .


1. Overview
2. Employee Feedback on map
3. Employee Feedback images

1. Overview (Employee Feedback)

It provides whole details of employee feedback send through android app during task implementation.
It also display images send by employee as feedback during task progress of task.

2. Employee Feedback on Map

It Helps Admin/Manager to track location from where Feedback is send by employee on task location.

3. Employee Feedback on Images

It Helps in seeing image send by employee during task implementation.
Admin/manger can see image as per Employee name in drop down.

Setting :-

1. Manage Department
2. Manage Category
3. Manage GPS Reason
4. Manage office times
5. Create Task Route
6. System Setting
7. Back Date Data

1. Manage Department:-

It Displays list of department present in Organization with feature of adding new department, editing, delete.

2. Manage Category:-

It Displays list of category present in organization with feature of adding new category with feature of adding new department, editing, delete.

3. Manage GPS Reason:-

It Helps Admin/Manager to see reason send by Employee regarding status of task assigned to it.

4. Manage office Timing:-

It Helps Admin/manager to change office timings as per days in one week.

5. Create Task Route:-

It helps Admin/Manager to assign specific route for doing task. And helps to restrict employee within specific area for doing task on map.

6. System Setting:-

It helps Admin/manager to give unique key and value to particular employee for tracing location of employee during office timing.

7. Back up date data-:

It Helps Admin/Manager to take back of data as per dates.

View on Map:-

1. Employee Last Location
2. View Path
3. Playback Tracking
4. Detailed Display Tracking
5. Employee�s Task History
6. Create Fence
7. Fence on Map

1. Employee Last Location:-

It helps in finding Employee previous location any time.

2. View path:-

It helps in viewing path of employee during office hours for completing given task assigned to it.

3. Playback Tracking:-

It helps in tracing location of an employee with use of particular date.

4. Detailed Display Tacking:-

It is the unique feature in which Admin/Manager can see location of employee between any date and between any times.

5. Employee�s Task History:-

It helps in finding performance of an employee as per no. of task completed by it.

6. Create Fence:-

It is another unique feature in which Admin/manager can restrict area to employee for doing task.

7. Fence on Map:-

it helps in providing fence/restriction to particular area to employee.


1. Employee performance
2. Task Report
3. Employee Task report
4. Schedule Report
5. Employee Reasons Report
6. Message notification Report

1. Employee Performance:-

It helps in monitoring employee performance as per no. of task completed by a individual employee. It gives the details information of task assigned with status of that task. Admin can see the tasks assigned between by dates. According to tasks assigned to a particular employee Admin Can Generate Report.

2. Task Report:-

In this Admin can generate Reports as per no. of task given to an employee In particular span of dates.
It gives the Employee name with task assigned and status of task.
Tools option to print, save as PDF, Export to Excel.

3. Employee Task Report:-

It helps admin to change the status of task assigned to a particular employee as (open, ongoing, on hold, close, all).
Employee task provide all tasks details like (Task Description, Task Category, contact person, Address, status, action). Admin can print, saves as PDF, Export to Excel in tools.

4. Schedule Report (Employee Track Schedule Report):-

It Helps in Tracking Employee Details From date to date with (Employee name, tracking data, travel Distance, travel Duration).

5. Employee Reasons Report:-

It helps in monitoring employee leave, reason of not completing task or any other specific reason.
Generating report as per requirement by clients.

6. Message Notification Report:-

It helps in monitoring the message sent through a particular employee mobile no. with date.
According with admin can print, save as PDF, Export in tools option.

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